Here’s what’s in the pipeline over the next few months:
- Super Secret Project: Still in development.
- Profile Links: 0.1 – Released. This is a new WordPress plugin that adds a jump list to the top of the user profile page for easier navigation.
- WordPress Statistics: This is a plugin for WordPress that tracks user statistics, I’m just about done with my contributions at this point so this should be my last update on this item.
- Just Writing: 2.14.2 – Released. WordPress 3.9 is going to break much of how Just Writing hooks in to TinyMCE and DFWM, however I’ve been working with the dev snapshots and have all issues resolved at this point. After WP3.9 is released and things are stable the next steps are to do a massive code cleanup and see if a 2 row toolbar is still a good idea or not.
- The Admin Theme Experience: 0.1 – Released. This is a proof of concept for a new admin theme system in WordPress. I’ve submitted for consideration to being added to the “Features as Plugins” list at
- Live Titles: 4.0 – Rewriting a good bit of the app to make it easier to add features and functions. SSP (see above) and some of the WordPress plugins have taken my attention away from this at the moment.